Doser pumps maintenance

  • Roberto Ferremi & c s.a.s.
  • P. IVA 02098980127
  • Via Verona 4
  • 21040 Vedano Olona (VA) - Italy
  • Tel  +390332890003
  • Fax +390332890428
  • Mobile  3356355079

Doser pumps maintenance

  • Volumetric continuous pumps
  • Liquid mixing systems
  • Spare parts production and sale

Welcome !

Roberto Ferremi

Roberto Ferremi

Professional of the field, with a long time experience in the volumetric continuous doser pumps and liquid mixing systems maintenance. Beyond to that he produces, on demand, spare parts for the own activity, guaranteeing in any case the maximum reliability and timeliness of the services offers.

pompa dosatrice volumetrico continuo

Volumetric continuous doser pumps: what they are

Volumetric continuous doser pumps guarantee high precision during filling of storage tanks and in the more raw materials mixing until obtaining a finished product. Pressures and viscosity vary largely in several applications. Volumetric continuous doser pumps can be employed in presence of isocyanetic,chemical activators (i.e. amine), fireproof substances, propellents, colors and fluid with abrasive charges. Moreover, they are employed in the dosage and mixing of components and ingredients of the food industry.

impianto di miscelazione

Liquid mixing systems: what they are

They are complex systems, with high technological content. They are made by volumetric continuous doser pumps, static and/or dynamic mixers, capacity meters etc. These types of systems find employment wherever a total safe, precision dosage is necessary. One goes from the toxic substances mixing and/or inflammable chemistries, to dosage for the varnish realization, to high necessary precision mixing in medicinal production industry, to mixing in the food industry. These are only some examples of application, but many other of them exist. However, everywhere, is demanded a highest professionality and competence in the maintenance and calibration. Professionality that Roberto Ferremi is in a position to offering to you in the better possible way.

Some examples of operating systems